I’ve been putting a lot of attention on anxiety lately. Not because I personally struggle with it, but because I am witnessing an extreme increase in this anxiety pattern as I work with clients, talk with friends and learn from experts I follow. The post-pandemic, politically turbulent world has released a wave we were not ready to manage.
Despite this, I remain very hopeful. Just this week I have seen multiple clients drop from self-described stress levels of 10 out of 10, down to a solid calm ZERO in less than 40 minutes. Full disclosure, I am surprised because it’s not in my hands to expect the outcome of any session, it’s my job to be curious and try a variety of approaches. I use what I know about balancing words, movement, connection, tapping and creativity in a way that somehow gets through. Yes, there is always EFT/tapping involved, but it’s more than that.
You probably wonder if something has changed in my approach. Twenty years of experience as a coach certainly helps, yet I think I am also getting these results because I’m awakening to the power of the right brain (the creative side) to disarm the anxiety spiral. Reading Martha Beck’s new book, Beyond Anxiety - Curiosity Creativity and Finding Your Life’s Purpose has provided me renewed awareness about activating right brain and additional tools I can combine with Emotional Freedom Techniques to make sessions more effective. I’m also finishing another outstanding book, Let Them by Mel Robbins and it’s adding to my awareness about caring for the anxiety that comes from not being able to control situations, people or feelings.
Curiosity has invited me to reach out and invite community and to assemble a group interested in deeply exploring Martha Beck’s excellent recommendations, coupled with the power of Emotional Freedom Techniques. We will engage in exercises to wake up that right brain, open creative flow and support one anther while actually having a little fun. Even if you can hardly imagine the study of anxiety being fun, trust me – there will be smiles and laughter front and center. If you’ve studied the Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron in the past, I already know you will love using the exercises recommended in Beyond Anxiety.
My vision is one of generosity too. Proceeds from this group will go toward a worthy charity determined by the group. I’ll also accept requests to attend at a reduced rate if financial need is a concern. All you need to do is ask. If you are doing well and would like to sponsor attendance for someone who really needs this, that works too.
The 6-week series on Zoom is now open for registration and you can find details here. We meet every Tuesday starting Feb. 18.
Relax! You don’t even have to buy or read the book to participate. I’ll boil it down for you and give you plenty of ideas each week. Recordings will be available if you can’t attend live. I hope you’ll join me and invite a friend who needs this too.