It was a perfect Wednesday morning for the beach gathering that had been planned months ago for my Indigo Connection group. Our meetings have been sporadic since the pandemic hit and although we stayed connected through Zoom, it was time to have more in-person gatherings. Months ago, it was agreed that a meeting at the beach would be perfect for July. It would be a free event, but requested registration. The group who registered included many of our long-time members, yet a large number had conflicts. The day of the event, 8 women called or text to say they couldn’t make it due to a wide range of emergencies. As I pulled into the park, I wondered if I might be the only one to show up. Perhaps that was today’s obvious message was that it’s no longer viable to hold in-person gatherings.
Eventually, 4 women arrived and we had a splendid time tapping, sharing, meditating and offering some clean-up service along the beach. It was valuable for all. Below is the blessing I prepared for our closing. After the blessing, I also share some of the intentions we shared as part of this activity. Thank you to Sandra, Ali, Mary and Shanna for being part of this lovely day at the beach.
July Full Moon Blessing ~ by Betsy Muller 7/13/22
Awaken to the obvious, the beautiful and the love that is already here. May there be a bright clear energy guiding you May the messages be easy to follow May there be opportunities for fun every day May every moment spent in fun bring ease to all commitments May there be joyful souls to share your days You are supported and held in gentle balance Release what no longer serves you. Awaken to the obvious Multiply this blessing to all who can benefit So be it…it is so
I bless the Lake with…
Hope for its health – that people will care so that all can enjoy for years to come
Caring visitors who love her, healthy chemistry
Awareness and mindfulness of its ongoing continuity
I bless our country with ….
My passion to be the best I can be and to share that intent with others
Love & Strength
Prosperity, kindness, compassion, healing in all forms
I bless every creature under this moon with…
A long, healthy existence
My respect
Awareness and gratitude