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Celebrating 63 Years - February 2022

Updated: May 30, 2023

On Sunday I celebrated my 63rd birthday with a sense of profound gratitude. Over 400 people reached out to me by social media, phone, text or in person that day, reminding me what a huge community of support surrounds my life. Thank you! Your kind greetings made a positive difference in my day. I marvel seeing friends from every continent, coworkers, neighbors, Jazzercizers, clients, Indigo Connection members, EFT students, my teachers, mentees, Mastermind friends, travel buddies, professional colleagues, childhood pals, school chums and soul friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for affirming that my life makes a difference. A big thank to my husband George who creatively honors me with his silly magazine covers. This year’s really made me smile. If you haven’t seen it, check it out on my Facebook feed.

Having so many friends in my life keep me healthy and happy. We need each other and that’s a message I’ll always be sharing. After 2 years of pandemic “stuck-yuck”, I truly hope you are all making a commitment to reengage with what brings you joy and peace in both the inner and outer world. If you aren’t familiar with all the ways I bring people together as part of my mission in life, please visit the calendar page on my website, or just ask. I’ll be hosting a 3-day EFT practitioner training event in late March (there’s even a scholarship!) as well as a wonderful Lakeside retreat in May (with prime rooms with private baths still available at the discount rate). Maybe you’ll even want to join me today and every Monday for 30 minutes of calm clarity tapping at 1PM EST on Zoom.

A good bit of my birthday was spent with my Dad to share meals and help with my mom’s care. Mom’s dementia has left her silent and sleeping most of each day. It is a humbling experience to see someone you love so vulnerable. She has been in home hospice care since before Christmas. Bedridden on oxygen, yet comfortable, my Dad does an amazing job caring for her every need. Because the paid caregivers are off on the weekends, my sisters and I step in to help on Saturdays and Sundays. One thing I know for sure is that mom anticipated my birth with great joy. Long ago she gifted me with a beautiful essay about my birth affirming how wanted and loved I was. I also have a sweet letter from Dad expressing his fond memories of my birth. That love is a birthday gift I wish every human could have. Knowing what I do about the power of positive childhood experiences, I recognize how lucky I was. Because I had such a strong foundation, I can be strong, loving and present to others in need of connection and healing. What a gift.

Thank you again and I hope all the love you give returns to you multiplied and enriched in new ways.

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